On Saturday 15 April 2006 10:35, John Buckman wrote:
> My patch comes after all the URL logic, which rewrites
> http://localhost/dirname
> to
> http://localhost/dirname/
> before my code gets run, so my patch doesn't impact that. That was
> very much on purpose.

I don't think this happens, and if it does, it is after the default registered 
proc fails to find /dirname. Or if it does happen, I'm wondering why I had to 
handle this situation with in every app I've written to do the same thing you 
are doing here.

The above situation corresponds to an external redirect, requiring a new 
request from the client. You are suggesting that AOLserver is issuing a 
redirect prior to any filter or registered procedure has a chance to serve 
the request, regardless of what is in pageroot. This is very unlikely, and 
would be considered a bug, I think. From this point of view, your patch would 
also be considered a bug, although a partially configurable one. 

> A 404 would display the .adp to the end-user, which I don't want to
> do.  Logical URLs such as http://localhost/buy are really nice,
> rather than http://localhost/buy.adp, which exposes a technical layer
> the end-user shouldn't need to see.

This is not true, an internal redirect does not change the url from the client 
point of view.  The example I linked to uses a modified directory proc, the 
proc is run in a page which handles 404 via an internal redirect. So that 
page actually runs twice once for /doc and once for /doc/, since there isn't 
a directory file in that directory.

tom jackson

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