On Jun 21, 2006, at 10:53 am, Bas Scheffers wrote:

John Buckman said:
I'm trying to redirect "404 not found" pages to the home page.  The
annotated config file shows this as:
Are you sure you want to do this? This is very confusing for users! I
personally hate this when I come acros a site that does it. I much prefer
a 404 page with link to the homepage and also a link to support pages
where they might tell you of the problem.

Yes, I agree, I was just trying to make my example clear. I agree, that a custom-written "page not found" is better than a redirect to home.

but this isn't having any effect for me.  Can someone suggest how to
None at all? (ie: you still get the simple/default 404 message) Or does it
show the homepage but with the same URL as before? These are internal
redirects, so they should show the contents of index.adp, but the URL
doesn't change; the server does NOT send a 301/302 redirect to the

No effect at all, I don't get the main page, I just get the generic 404 error. I don't know if there's a higher debug level, or way to dump the config to screen, or some other debugging technique...


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