On 9/5/06, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I spent several hours fixing a bug with internal redirects, then found out it
had already been fixed.
If a status had been mapped to a url, then the server redirects (internally)
to that url.

Can you elaborate more on this?  I'm having a similar problem right
now with 4.5.

I have a registered adp as:

ns_register_adp GET /checkout [ns_info pageroot]/rewrites/checkout.adp

and when I do a ns_returnredirect "http://blahblah.com/checkout"; from
another ADP, I get a segfault.  I can redirect to any other site, just
not the same site.

| ---------------------------------------------------------------
| Daniel P. Stasinski          | http://www.saidsimple.com
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | http://www.disabilities-r-us.com
| Google Talk: mooooooo        | http://www.scriptkitties.com
| Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://www.avenues.org

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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