Op Thu, 9 Aug 2007, schreef Tom Jackson:

> On Thursday 09 August 2007 08:46, Jim Davidson wrote:
> > Otherwise, technically there are a few things that could be fixed to
> > solve some pain points:
> >
> > -- Close the gap between AOLserver's init framework and Tcl's package
> > framework so tcllib, ActiveState Tcl, etc. can be used easily (needs
> > those things to be verified, compiled, and available thread-safe)
> More integration with the Tcl community is important. Both communities have 
> added to the other. What are the issues? What would be the result of closing 
> the gap?
> > -- Figure out some AOLserver-as-an-Apache extension thing -- perhaps
> > a more convenient proxy (seems possible) or a direct Apache module
> > (possible but perhaps too incompatible and goofy to be useful).
> I have never been able to put my finger on what the issue is here. AOLserver 
> isn't Apache. Sendmail isn't Qmail either. Both compete over a single 
> privileged port. That is the real issue. Some company only has one IP address 
> and needs to make a choice. Then just run AOLserver on an internal IP and 
> proxy through to it. That is the module. Call AOLserver an application server 
> and Apache a firewall. Nobody is complaining that Oracle doesn't run inside 
> AOLserver or Apache, what difference does it make if your application server 
> is a separate process, maybe on a separate machine. Really it is a benefit, a 
> security feature. 

With an Apache module, you could:
* Get AOLserver without dusturbing other users. You could even ask your 
  hoster to install the module.
* There is no trouble like all connections coming from the same IP. You 
  have access to the real http connection (through Apache though).

So, I think, this would be a big advantage over a proxy solution, even 
though the proxy solution can work well in a lot of situations.

Besides this, AOLserver needs to get better in replacing Apache as the 
primary web server on a system, and this means getting multi-user 
capabilities itself. Depending on the way it is done, it can be low 
hanging fruit too.


AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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