Dear Alex,

The good news is that it bloats only on one server,
so the problem must on that configuration.

There were a couple of memory leaks reported for postgres 7.4,
not sure if these hit you (google around):

do you have a chance to install on the affected machine
as well postgres 8.2 (maybe in addition to 7.4)?
it would be interesting to see, if you still see a bloat.

i found a small glitch in your "crude script":
The last line of the xotcl install should read:

 execute make install-aol

instead of
 execute make install

-gustaf neumann

Alex schrieb:
Tom, Gustaf, All

Yes, that happens even if the same page is requested.
Could you tell me more about pre-queue filters?

The interesting thing is that I only see this memory leak issue on one
of my servers.
All servers run x86 Debian, though might be slightly differently
dist-upgraded, Postgres version differs 7.4 vs 8.2
The website code itself, nsd config files are exactly the same on all servers.

Over the weekend I tried to rebuild tcl, tcllib, xotcl, aolserver.
The details how I did it can be found here
I used latest versions however, tcl 8.4.18, tcllib 1.10, xotcl 1.6.0

I even made a crude script that fetches the sources and builds a
stand-alone aolserver installation,
in order to make sure the build results are reproducible.

Still, even when all [hopefully] binaries are being copied to all
servers, only one of them
experience the same issue with huge memory leak on each page request.

Any insightful thoughts?

~ Alex.

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 6:23 PM, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Actually 2MB / request sounds like a massive memory leak. Maybe something
 isn't getting cleaned up?

 Question: does this happen if you request the same page over and over?

 I discovered one way to get a massive leak in 4.5: register a prequeue filter.

 Note that both XoTCL and tcllib are compiled third party modules, which is
 usually where you get memory leaks, not in the modules which have been used
 with AOLserver for years. My guess would be tcllib, or just failing to
 release something big.

 tom jackson

 On Friday 29 February 2008 11:47, Alex wrote:
 > What would be a "normal" size of 32 bit nsd process? How can it be reduced?
 > One of my servers only has 1G or ram, and I am forced to restart nsd
 > every so often, when it uses up almost all the memory.
 > Running 4.5 + XoTCL + tcllib, it seams to grow up to 2MB on each page
 > request .

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