Bas Scheffers wrote:

calls, which hook into the driver-specific code underneath, rather
than just punting completely and letting the user call driver-provided
Tcl commands directly like it does now.
Yup, that is what I would like to get rid of. ns_pg_exec is not something I would like to use. I'd like to think we are above the PHP-esque pg_connect/my_connect/pg_exec/etc!

Considering how easy tcl makes such things, I'm rather surprised oacs doesn't do something like
rename ns_db _ns_db
proc ns_db {args} {
  if {[is_postgres]} {
    eval ns_pg_exec $args
  } else {
    eval _ns_db $args

For that matter this parameter/bind var we're talking about could be implemented in the near term as a compatible extension to ns_db through exactly this channel.


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