Dossy Shiobara wrote:
On 2008.04.30, Rick Cobb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do we have any test workloads we can use to prove that and isolate the
problem down?

You have no idea how much I'd love to have someone who's overly anal
retentive--I mean, exhaustively thorough--who has a strong desire to
create such a workload to measure and isolate any memory growths.

Sadly, I'm not that person.  :-(  I don't care _that_ much.  This would
be a great opportunity for someone who would like to help out ...

I have always banged my head in vein , trying to figure out what exactly causes the growth in aolserver process memory size ,
I am not an expert  expert in debugging these issues and  there are so many areas which could potentially contribute in growing nsd size ,
tcl version , nsoracle , nsmysql  .

I still keep trying new TCL versions ,  tried with google perftools , no success,  the process keeps growing .

If somebody needs a help in any regarding once for all identifying main reasons for this issue , i am willing to contribute in the effort with my resources and expertise  .

We have  x86_64 and x86 environment with oracle 9i and mysql 4.1.xx , we also have an old acs 3.4 version customized to our need .


Syed Atif Ali
D. +971 4 3911914
F. +971 4 3911915
"Resistance is futile. Open your source code and prepare for assimilation."

-- AOLserver -

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