On Tuesday 06 May 2008 09:57, Stefan Sobernig wrote:
> Tom,
> >> Let me rephrase, it is not said that it is not compatible (nothing to do
> >> with thread safety or anything in that direction), I am just saying that
> >> it might need some integration work. By serialiser, I am referring to
> >> the needed generation of the ns_ictl script in the aolserver driver
> >> thread. But, it goes without saying, this is just one option ...
> >
> > Well, it would require something more like a major rewrite.
> MY rephrasing on integration relates to TclOO and Brett's:
> > And where did
> > you get that TclOO is not compatible with aolserver...just curious (I
> > haven't tried it myself within aolserver).
> ... NOT "Web Services for Tcl" ... just to avoid misunderstandings ...

Hmmm, why would using TclOO or any other Tcl code require doing anything with 
the driver thread, or require using ns_ictl? I still don't get what a 
serializer is. 

Is this one of those object system 'isms?

tom jackson

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