Tom Jackson wrote:
If you want to avoid use of fastpath, just set the configuration lower
than your dynamic content:

# Fastpath
ns_section "ns/server/${server}/fastpath"
ns_param cache                [set cache 10] ;# max entries ??
ns_param cachemaxsize         [set cachemaxsize [expr 5 * 1024 * 1024]]
ns_param cachemaxentry        [expr round(floor($cachemaxsize/$cache))]

The description of the parameters here is a little confusing. Browsing the source, it appears that "cache" is a flag to enable or disable fastpath, "cachemaxsize" is the maximum size of the cache, and "cachemaxentry" is the largest size of a file that will get cached. There is no setting for the max number of entries, the use of $cache in the settings above (reflecting the server defaults) is really a minimum number of cache entries (i.e., the default cache will hold at least 10 entries of the max 512k size, but it could also hold 1000 5k files).

I didn't dig deep enough to see how the cache flushing works, but on casual perusal it looks like the cache is pruned by removing the oldest entries (not largest, least hit, or least recently hit).


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