On 24/09/2009, at 10:04 PM, Dino Vliet wrote:
Question 1)
I see the need to present the users of my site with a small little calender, when they want to input date fields in my forms. How is this accomplished? Do I really need javascript for this, or are there other possibilities, preferrably with TCL?
That'll require Javascript. There's enough examples you can just use from elsewhere. I minimize JS too, but this is something that can't be done without it.

 Question 2)
I would like to see people select their current country in a drop down box. Does anyone know how this is done? And where I will get the whole list of all countries in the world?
ISO 3166 is your friend: http://www.iso.org/iso/iso3166_en_code_lists.txt

Question 3)
If I look at my access.log file, I see a lot of strange requests where my server gives 404 as a response. [...] I tried googling for this but they are all apache related.
Yup, I just ignore them for that reason.

Who has some pointers for me regarding aolserver? What kind of operators should I avoid?
The two main attack vectors for any web application are: remote code execution and SQL injection. The first one could occur if you dynamically create Tcl code using values sent by a user (either as form data, part of the URL, part of headers, anything) and then use subst or eval on it. Don't do that! :) SQL injection (google it) is pretty much the same, except on the sql level. Always use ns_sqlquotevalue or a routine you create yourself to properly quote ANY value. Just because you are expecting a numeric value to come back, you can't think that you won't have to check it. You must check if it is a number value. ("string is integer -strict" is your friend)

Validate any user data before you try and send it to the database. If it's not right, throw it back at the user.

Aside from that you will of course need to good user login mechanism to make sure only people that are allowed to do stuff can do so.

Should I put every logic into the TCL or ADP pages (like calculating a price of a service or checking the availability of a service etc etc) or should I code as much logic into the database with stored procedures.
That choice is yours, people can get quite passionate about this subject! I only use stored procedures if it lowers the load in the database. If it would make the database do more work I don't because scaling a database is a lot harder than putting an extra web server in front of it. An exception might be where you have other software accessing the database and it makes sense to maintain the business logic in stored procedures instead of two pieces of client software.

Would you put smtp login credentials for a external smtp server in a TCL or ADP
I wouldn't have an SMTP server that requires login if I can avoid it. The mail server should be able to be set up to just allow mail from the ip or subnet of your server. But if you needed it, I would put the username and password in a config file.


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