On Aug 4, 2011, at 12:24 AM, Maurizio Martignano wrote:

>     int        trigger[2];               /* Wakeup trigger pipe. */ ß Why is 
> this an int when it was a SOCKET (any justification????)

A Unix pipe is just a pair of file descriptors, and a file descriptor in Unix 
is just an integer.

Windows pipes are implemented differently, of course, and the semantics aren't 
exactly the same, either.

Can you tell from CVS who put this code in?

I'm sure it was done from ignorance of Windows vs. Unix differences regarding 
pipes, not intentionally.
> I have the feeling that we are not facing Windows specific stuff, but somehow 
> some general errors, mistakes that happen to manifest themselves only on 
> Windows (64).

Not in this case, no, that's perfectly reasonable Unix code.

Don Baccus

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