The following reply was made to PR mod_log-any/2026; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Marc Slemko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Robert Mela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: mod_log-any/2026: Max log file size is 2,147,483,616 (2^31 - 32) 
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 11:54:38 -0700 (MST)

 On 1 Apr 1998, Robert Mela wrote:
 > >Environment:
 > Solaris 2.5.1
 > gcc 2.8.1
 > >Description:
 > After log files reach 2,147,483,616 bytes no more hits are logged.  The
 > server otherwise seems to perform normally.
 > The server in question only getting about 5 million hits per day, so this
 > only becomes a problem if our nightly rollover/ restart process does not 
 > run.
 AFAIK, Solaris 2.5.x can not handle regular files larger than two gigs.
 Things like llseek() which do 64-bit stuff are only valid for things like
 device files.
 This should work fine on Solaris 2.6 without any changes to the Apache
 Are you logging more than a standard common log format?  The sizes seem
 big for the number of hits using CLF.
 I would also suggest that for this volume of logs, if you want to do
 anything with them, logging to a pipe and having a program automatically
 put them into something (eg. database, binary format, etc.) more suited to
 this volume.  Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can recommend you try that
 with 1.2.x because piped logs aren't "reliable".  This doesn't mean they
 don't work fine, but if the process dies it won't get restarted, etc.
 Recent 1.3 betas do add that feature, to make piped logging a very
 attractive solution.

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