Hi there,

The "APE_JSF" folder should be uploaded on the website you want to use Ape on 

  - Louis

Le 2012-04-24 à 14:57, Orthonormal a écrit :

> I signed up for VPS from Dreamhost, and is trying to set up APE by
> following the tutorial. Which step did I go wrong? Did I leave out any
> step?
> 1) It says:
> "If you are using APE in tandem with a web server which is already
> bound on port 80 (such as Apache), you don't have to edit anything.
> APE is configured to run on port 6969 by default.
> You can jump to Run your APE Server."
> However, I changed my ape.conf so that "port = 443" instead because
> dreamhost recommends that we bind on port 443.
> 2) Went to the /bin/ folder and ran "aped". I get the APE Engine logo
> and it says bind on port 443. So no problem there.
> 3) Edited the httpd.conf file to include these:
> <VirtualHost *>
>        Servername bob.dreamhosters.com
>        ServerAlias ape.bob.dreamhosters.com
>        ServerAlias *.ape.bob.dreamhosters.com
>        DocumentRoot "/home/alice/APE_JSF"
> </VirtualHost>
> Not using the actual names but assuming my admin user name is "alice",
> and my dreamhost domain is bob.dreamhosters.com.
> 4) Edited Demos/config.js to be:
> APE.Config.baseUrl = 'http://bob.dreamhosters.com/APE_JSF';
> APE.Config.domain = 'bob.dreamhosters.com';
> APE.Config.server = 'ape.bob.dreamhosters.com:443';
> 5) Finally, I went to http://bob.dreamhosters.com/APE_JSF/Tools/Check/
> but got a 404 error. Even after I rebooted my VPS.
> What did I miss out or did wrong?
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