I signed up for VPS from Dreamhost, and is trying to set up APE by
following the tutorial. Which step did I go wrong? Did I leave out any

1) It says:

"If you are using APE in tandem with a web server which is already
bound on port 80 (such as Apache), you don't have to edit anything.
APE is configured to run on port 6969 by default.
You can jump to Run your APE Server."

However, I changed my ape.conf so that "port = 443" instead because
dreamhost recommends that we bind on port 443.

2) Went to the /bin/ folder and ran "aped". I get the APE Engine logo
and it says bind on port 443. So no problem there.

3) Edited the httpd.conf file to include these:

<VirtualHost *>
        Servername bob.dreamhosters.com
        ServerAlias ape.bob.dreamhosters.com
        ServerAlias *.ape.bob.dreamhosters.com

        DocumentRoot "/home/alice/APE_JSF"

Not using the actual names but assuming my admin user name is "alice",
and my dreamhost domain is bob.dreamhosters.com.

4) Edited Demos/config.js to be:

APE.Config.baseUrl = 'http://bob.dreamhosters.com/APE_JSF';
APE.Config.domain = 'bob.dreamhosters.com';
APE.Config.server = 'ape.bob.dreamhosters.com:443';

5) Finally, I went to http://bob.dreamhosters.com/APE_JSF/Tools/Check/
but got a 404 error. Even after I rebooted my VPS.

What did I miss out or did wrong?

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