... or modify the JavaScript client files to work without frequencies

They only need to do that if you can't set up a dedicated IP addy thru your router, or figure how to add the DNS entries to make it work as the previous poster suggested.

07/23/2012 09:48 AM, Peter wrote:
Does that mean that if I intend to set up an internet chat service that 500 people will use, I need to ask all of them to change their hosts file?

On Monday, July 23, 2012 5:45:31 PM UTC+1, Pablo wrote:

    If you plan on accessing the APE server in other computers from
    your local network you are better off setting a DNS service,
    preferable in your router OR just repeat the process on every
    machine you plan on accessing APE from

    On Monday, July 23, 2012, Peter wrote:

        Thanks a lot Mitch, this helped me configure my server and now
        it works.  But there's always a but.  I can access my ape
        server fine when working locally with my computer.  How can I
        change my settings so as to broadcast externally, i.e. to
        other computers in my network and the internet.

        On Monday, July 23, 2012 5:24:17 PM UTC+1, Mitch Stewart wrote:

            Yes, you MUST create a sub domain, there is no way around
            it unless you want to modify the 'C' code for the APE
            server to change the frequency stuff.  It's fairly simple
            to create a sub-domain in Apache or LiteSpeed server to
            catch the ape.yourhost:6969 requests.  I use Ubuntu 10.04
            and it's a bit of a pain to set up but worth it when u get
            it to work.  If your working on your home computer don't
            forget to add the frequencies in the /etc/hosts file (EG.
            my home computers host name is bigdog and my sub domain is
            ape.bigdog) :


            ... I defined 80 frequencies, lol

            ... so my APE config looks like:

            Server {
                port = 6969
                daemon = yes
                ip_listen =
                domain = ape.bigdog
                rlimit_nofile = 10000
                pid_file = /var/run/aped.pid

            and my client APE javascript config looks like:

            APE.Config.baseUrl = 'http://ape.bigdog/APE_JSF'; // APE JSF
            APE.Config.domain = 'ape.bigdog';
            APE.Config.server = 'ape.bigdog:6969'; // APE server URL
            APE.Config.transport = 2;  # for cross domain access

            On 07/22/2012 11:16 PM, Peter wrote:

            I'm trying to configure my APE server on Ubuntu 12.04,
            but am running into a problem when running the check
            tool.  I get an error message
            baseUrl :
            domain :
            server :  <>
            Running test : Setting document.domain
            Running test : Checking APE.Config.baseUrl
            APE JSF Version 1.1
            Running test : Contacting APE Server
            domain =
            Running test : Contacting APE Server (adding frequency)
            Can't contact APE Server. Please check the folowing url
            is pointing to your APE server :

            Is there a way to avoid this problem of putting a number
            before the
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