On 8 February 2011 14:36, Francis Tyers <fty...@prompsit.com> wrote:
> I like the idea in general.
> It gives more motivation for one. "I've done a bit of a dictionary, woo
> I can get into incubator". But to get from incubator to trunk is a lot
> of work. And if I stay in incubator i've not accomplished much. But if I
> have a mostly working translator, but not quite enough coverage to
> release then I can put it in staging and say "hey guys, this mostly
> works, just needs some work".
> Here are the pairs I would move to staging now:
>  apertium-af-nl, -- basically ready to go, but there are probably some
>                    easy errors that could be fixed if we look
>                    carefully at the evaluation.
>  apertium-ca-sc, -- needs linguistic revision of Sardinian,
>                    and better coverage, but otherwise testvoc
>                    clean and ready to go.
>  apertium-es-an, -- huge improvement in coverage and linguistic quality
>                    over the last version, just needs to be testvoqued.
>  apertium-fr-pt, -- ready to go, testvoqued, but needs corpus test,
>                    and probably some rule fixes.
>  apertium-pl-cs, -- mostly testvoqued in the direction cs->pl, but
>                    needs extensive work on disambiguation before
>                    it becomes useful, also improved coverage.
>  apertium-sme-nob - not possible to testvoc, but some minor corpus
>                    errors remain.
> I'm not sure I like the idea of alpha/pre-releases though. If someone
> wants a development version, they can use the SVN.

That's the problem, though. If we want feedback, saying 'get it from
SVN' really reduces the amount of people who /can/ give us feedback.

> To be eligible for inclusion I would say that aside from the 'PROBLEMS'
> file, it should also include an preliminary evaluation of translation
> quality (af-nl, ca-sc, pl-cs, sme-nob) have this.

IMO, that defeats the purpose. It would make sense to have this
restriction on 'alpha' releases, though.

The primary motivation I had in proposing this was that we have a
current need to distinguish between the modules that can be checked
out, built, and which can provide a basic word to word translation
(i.e., which a newcomer can add vocabulary to and expect to see that
vocabulary translate in some manner, regardless of correctness), and
those that can't. I don't want to go quite to that extreme, but there
should be a happy medium between that extreme and yours.

<Leftmost> jimregan, that's because deep inside you, you are evil.
<Leftmost> Also not-so-deep inside you.

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