On 24 March 2012 15:20, Francis Tyers <fty...@prompsit.com> wrote:
> El ds 24 de 03 de 2012 a les 15:17 +0000, en/na Jimmy O'Regan va
> escriure:
>> On 24 March 2012 14:34, Jacob Nordfalk <jacob.nordf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > $ echo "Artikulu hau hobe dezakezu... badakizu nola?" | java -jar
>> > apertium-eu-en.jar
>> >
>> > This article you can improve... If he is how?
>> >
>> > Great work!
>> >
>> >
>> > (although the Basqe translator could need some polish :-)
>> >
>> Wow, nice. Two words turn up 3 issues. I've fixed the first one (ezin
>> nola -> know how), the other two will follow.
> ^Artikulu/Artikulu<n>$
> ^hau/ukan<vbsint><pri><NR_HI><NK_HU>/hau<det><dem><sg>$
> ^hobe/hobe<adj><izo>/hobetu<vblex><inf>/hobe<adv>$
> ^dezakezu/ezan<vbsint><potpr><NR_HU><NK_ZU>$^./.<sent>$^./.<sent>$^./.<sent>$ 
> ^badakizu/ba<cnjsub>+edin<vbsint><prs2><NR_HU><NI_ZU>/ba<cnjsub>+jakin<vbsint><pri><NR_HU><NK_ZU>/ba<cnjsub>+jakin<vbsint><prs2><NR_HU><NK_ZU>$
>  ^nola/nola<adv><itg>$^?/?<sent>$^./.<sent>$
> "badakizu nola?"
> already.it-know-you how?
> The problem is the tagger picks the wrong one. And in any case, the
> morphological analyser doesn't output an analysis for ba- meaning
> affirmative (in this sentence it would translate as "ya" or "already").

Current SVN now gives:
This article you can improve... If you know how?

'If' seems more likely here - it's the link text to a 'how to
contribute to Wikipedia' article.

<Sefam> Are any of the mentors around?
<jimregan> yes, they're the ones trolling you

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