On 6 June 2012 22:27, Bernard Chardonneau <bechapert...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> Last week and today, I add words to fr-es language pair.
> Most of the words work, but some of them are translated in the two
> directions but with a # before them.
> Eg.
> echo "Je suis francophone, mais mon ordinateur travaille en langage binaire 
> ou hexadécimal" | apertium fr-es
> Soy #francófono, pero mi computador trabaja en lenguaje #binario o 
> #hexadecimal
> echo "Soy francófono, pero mi computador trabaja en lenguaje binario o 
> hexadecimal" | apertium es-fr
> Je suis #francophone, mais mon ordinateur travaille en langage #binaire ou 
> #hexadécimal
> What is the problem ?

I don't know what the problem is, because you haven't provided
sufficient information: without knowing what changes you made, the
cause of the error cannot be known exactly.

My best guess is: fr-es has a somewhat confusing build setup. You may
have added the words to the file 'apertium-fr-es.fr.dix' rather than
the _real_ dictionary, which is apertium-fr-es.fr.metadix. When you
ran make, the changes you made would have been overwritten as the
generated file was regenerated.

If it's not that, there are many other possible causes, but I'm not
going to list them all, because life's too short. If you're working
from SVN, run:
svn diff > changes.diff
and send changes.diff to the list.

> What to do ?
> In fact, I think there should be a short page on the wiki explaining the
> meaning of debug symbols : * , # and @

I'm pretty sure there is one, somewhere. If there was an Apertium FAQ,
this would be on it.

<Sefam> Are any of the mentors around?
<jimregan> yes, they're the ones trolling you

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