2012/12/23 Ryan Johnson <ryan.txan...@gmail.com>

> One thing I noticed... I translated a bigger text, but in the translation
> field there is no way to scroll... Just in the input field.

Yes, you are right. This is because it isnt an editable.

Thanks for feedback!
Ive fixed a couple of things. Try again and see if its better.


> And, android 4.1.1 just to be more precise.
> On Dec 23, 2012 3:26 PM, "Ryan Johnson" <ryan.txan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey, awesome! Responding off-list since what I have to say is little: I
>> tested on a Nexus S3 with Android 4, without problems. Seems much more put
>> together and overall better than the version I used first. Way to go! I'll
>> test a bit more later, too.
>> Ryan
>> On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 8:52 PM, Jacob Nordfalk <jacob.nordf...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> During Google Summer of Code we had two great students working hard to
>>> enable Apertium into the mobile world:
>>> - Mikel Artetxe did a great job making lttoolbox-java embeddable,
>>> spinning off a lot of good stuff, such as 
>>> Apertium-Caffeine<http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Apertium-Caffeine>and a 
>>> one-click
>>> installer for trying out language 
>>> pairs<http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Language_pair_packages#List_of_ready-to-use_packages>
>>> - Arink Verma wrote an Apertium 
>>> Android<http://www.arinkverma.in/2012/08/summer-of-2012-with-google.html>app
>>>  using lttoolbox-java, that allows the user to do off-line, in-phone
>>> translation using Apertium
>>> As could and should be expected after any GSoC where was work left to
>>> do.
>>> In this case the app was suffering from memory constraint problems; in
>>> Android you are allowed to use down to 16MB of RAM, a situation that needed
>>> to be handled properly before it would work properly across all devices.
>>> Those of you that tested the previous versions can confirm that.
>>> After the GSoC I have been continuing optimizing, simplifying and
>>> unifying the code and I am proud to present a fresh version of
>>> lttoolbox-java *that can run on a very tiny amount of RAM* and *which
>>> is faster than ever*, deployed in the world's first open source
>>> offline, embedded in-device machine translation system, as an Android app.
>>> Download and install it from here:
>>> https://apertium.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/apertium/builds/apertium-android/
>>> The app has been tested and runs on Android 1.6 and later.
>>> I would like to ask every one with an Android phone to install this app
>>> and jugde if there are any things that needs to be done before we publish
>>> it.
>>> (You have to enable 'install from unknown sources' first and uninstall
>>> previous versions)
>>> Please note that first translation run is slow, as it needs to index
>>> files, and optimize transfer bytecode.
>>> How was the lttoolbox-java 'memory magic' done? Well, it's called memory
>>> mapping. Apertium mainly consists of transducers, which is big chunks of
>>> memory with a binary representation of the dictionary files. lttoolbox and
>>> old lttoolbox-java does the 'usual' thing: Load all these transducers at
>>> startup time, pre-builds data structures in memory representing the whole
>>> file, and keeps them there in memory during processing.
>>> The new lttoolbox-java indexes the files in the first run and saves
>>> these transducer index cache files for re-use later.
>>> After first run it only loads the parts of the transducers which it
>>> needs from disk. This brings loading time down to near zero (lttoolbox-java
>>> is much faster at loading transducers than lttoolbox).
>>> Loading is done by *memory-mapping*, which is a sophisticated way of
>>> doing random file access; you get a chunk of memory which represent the
>>> file, each time you read bytes the operating system will make that this
>>> part of the file has been loaded into memory and free the memory afterwards
>>> when not needed anymore. Basically, instead of prebuilding the data
>>> structures, I just look in the files on a per-needed basis.
>>> This is much faster as translation tasks are only using a tiny fraction
>>> of the transducers.
>>> The source is in SVN, and you can get an impression of the work looking
>>> there:
>>> lttoolbox-java:
>>> http://apertium.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/apertium/trunk/lttoolbox-java/src/?view=log
>>> Android app:
>>> http://apertium.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/apertium/trunk/apertium-mobile/apertium-android/src/?view=log
>>> Ive done a lot of work on simplifying the app to make it robust and
>>> adoptable. In the directory
>>> http://apertium.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/apertium/trunk/apertium-mobile/apertium-android/src/org/apertium/android/?pathrev=42121you
>>>  see my unification and simplification. In the package 'extended' is
>>> Arink's work (modified), which includes som extended functions, such as a
>>> widget, SMS translator, database, file manager.
>>> I'd like to ask you what you think about permissions and functionality:
>>> Should the Apertium app we publish be a basic app, simple for others to
>>> adopt, requring no permissions (apart from internet permission to download
>>> pairs), or a full-blown app able to access your SMSes and SD card?
>>> Currently the app requires permissions to read your SMS'es and the data on
>>> your SD Card.
>>> SD Card access would be nice for manual installation of self-compiled
>>> language pairs (but would you really deploy unpublished work in your
>>> phones?) and for storing language pairs (each one takes ~10MB when it is
>>> uncompressed - but how many would a user install?).
>>> Yours,
>>> Jacob
>>> --
>>> Jacob Nordfalk <http://profiles.google.com/jacob.nordfalk>
>>> javabog.dk
>>> Androidudvikler og -underviser på 
>>> IHK<http://cv.ihk.dk/diplomuddannelser/itd/vf/MAU>og
>>> Lund&Bendsen<https://www.lundogbendsen.dk/undervisning/beskrivelse/LB1809/>
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Jacob Nordfalk <http://profiles.google.com/jacob.nordfalk>
Androidudvikler og -underviser på
Lund&Bendsen <https://www.lundogbendsen.dk/undervisning/beskrivelse/LB1809/>
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