On 10 September 2013 18:09, Per Tunedal <per.tune...@operamail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Working on the Swedish verb "ställa" and the Danish equivalent "stille".
> I'm confused about the entries in the sv monidix as some have the very
> same tags:
> <pardef n="följ/a__vblex">
>   <e>       <p><l>a</l>         <r>a<s n="vblex"/><s
>   n="inf"/></r></p><par n="S__voice"/></e>
>   <e>       <p><l>er</l>        <r>a<s n="vblex"/><s n="pres"/><s
>   n="actv"/></r></p></e>
>   <e>       <p><l>es</l>        <r>a<s n="vblex"/><s n="pres"/><s
>   n="actv"/></r></p></e>
>   <e r="LR"><p><l>s</l>         <r>a<s n="vblex"/><s n="pres"/><s
>   n="actv"/></r></p></e>

According to sv.wiktionary, these last two are both passive, but this
looks to be the problem - two generation candidates for
vblex.pres.actv. It's either mistagged, or a restriction needs to be

<Sefam> Are any of the mentors around?
<jimregan> yes, they're the ones trolling you

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