Jonathan Washington
<> čálii:

> Hi all,
> I understand that -z was added to a number of Apertium and Apertium-related
> programs, allowing them to continue to accept input and simply flush
> buffers when a null character is encountered.
> Question 1.  Is it right that Apertium itself does not follow this
> behaviour?  To use an existing mode with this behaviour, one would have to
> add -z to each relevant command (as done in APy -
> ), including wrapping in the appropriate de- and reformatters?

If you mean the shell script /usr/bin/apertium, then it is correct that
it does not add -z anywhere.

> Question 2.  What sort of modification would need to be made to a
> miscellaneous program in the pipeline for it to behave this way?  Can
> anyone point to an example diff of this sort of modification?
is one way, though I think more tools use the *_wrapper_null_flush idiom
as in

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