Hey guys,
I'm writing a system demonstration to be submitted at LowResMT 2020 about
the recent project that was done as part of GSoC, titled "Translating the
internet into low resource languages with Apertium" (Accepting snazzier
title suggestions).

As part of this demonstration, I want to show some real world examples of
how the new system of markup handling will help the translation of webpages
and formatted documents - odt, pptx, rtx, etc. To show this effectively, I
need to choose 3-4 released language pairs that are sufficiently
syntactically divergent that they show the effect of markup reordering in
the translation output. As far as I know, spa-cat is one of our most mature
pairs, however I'm not sure how syntactically divergent it is. If it is,
then I'm happy to be corrected. If your language pair has had issues with
webpage translation and those issues are now solved (ish), then some
examples would be really helpful.

TLDR: I need suggestions of language pairs which are mature, low resource
(at least the target language), and which are syntactically divergent
enough to see the benefits of markup handling in the translation. If you
can provide examples, that'll be great as well. Any help will be sincerely
appreciated :))

Thanks and Regards,
*तन्मय खन्ना *
*Tanmai Khanna*
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