Thanks a lot !

How can I define src_lengadocian as the variable that means the source language is lengadocian ?



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Le 19/06/2024 à 10:53, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer a écrit :
Occitan can manage variety in its metadix file. My question is, is
there a way to manage variety in the .rlx file ?
There is :)

For instance, we have the word "bad", "evil" which is "mal" in
lengadocian and "mau" en gascon. But "mau" can also be a conjugated
verb (a pretty rare one). I did this rule in the RLX file : REMOVE V
IF (0 ("<mau>"i));
But I would want this rule not to apply to lengadocian, where "mau"
can only be a conjugated verb.
Is that possible ? If not, is this something easy to implement ?
Yes. You could for example say that "src_lengadocian" is the variable
that signifies that the source language is lengadocian, and then have
one rule that picks the verb if source language is lengadocian:

     SELECT V IF (0 ("<mau>"i))        (0 (VAR:src_lengadocian)) ;

and one that removes it if not:

     REMOVE V IF (0 ("<mau>"i)) (NEGATE 0 (VAR:src_lengadocian)) ;

I can't say for certain if this system makes things simpler or not for
you compared to metadix, but it allows for a lot more flexibility, with
much shorter compile times (since we have just one compiled FST which
contains all the variety).

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