
(Common sense, politically incorrect newsletter to 12,557 subscribers)

 Almost all anti-war liberals and liberal news media don't want to mention
that every American troop captured by Al Qaeda is tortured, disfigured, and
then killed. Some are temporarily kept alive only long enough to sell to
other terrorists for the sport of torturing, dismembering, then killing
them. The disfigured bodies are then left where they can be found for shock
purposes. Al Qaeda and Taliban are taught that they must convert or kill any

 How many enemy troops in American custody do you know for sure have died?
Very few? They are well fed, given exemplary medical and dental services,
and are well treated. All terrorists are taught to claim that they have been
tortured. Only a few would really have any useful knowledge. There were no
eyes gouged out, fingernails pulled, or body parts chopped off, as is
customary in Muslim countries. Muslim news media reported on America's
stressful interrogation and humiliating tactics, but considered it
insignificant compared to Muslim torture until goaded by hate-spreading
prejudiced American politicians.

 For what reason are President Barack Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and
other liberals less concerned about the horrible painful deaths of all
captured American troops than is their great concern for any harsh
interrogation techniques on only a few highly knowledgeable detainees that
produced high-value information. Now they are denying and hiding results.

 Have you ever talked with any returning troops to get the truth? Most of
our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are proud that they are creating a better
life style for the people there. But has the news media ever mentioned
anything good being done there -- like building schools, hospitals,
municipal utilities, play grounds, their own stock market, teaching
slave-nation dependents on how to be responsible for themselves? No. The
media shamefully ignores any good news and exaggerates any negative news.

 President Obama has promised to shut down our Guantanamo Prison. But moving
the terrorist detainees from Guantanamo presents extraordinary problems.
Mainly, these prisoners must not be sent in smaller groups to other prisons,
because they would feel obligated to kill or harm any other infidel
prisoners or guards. They act like caged rattlesnakes.

 Guards at Guantanamo are constantly harrassed by the detainees regardless
of how well they are treated, but most of the all-Muslim prisoners there
don't have to be in solitary confinement like would be necessary in regular
prisons. American prisons aren't set up to protect the inmates and guards
from a big influx of dangerous fanatic terrorists.
 Several hundred detainees were released after extensive investigations
couldn't prove that they were dangerous terrorists. One out of every seven
released were later recaptured in combat, and it is suspected that many
others rejoined fighting. The remaining terrorists are too dangerous to
release. Most of them probably deserve to be shot. Isn't it customary to
impound prisoners until the end of the war?

 Many members of Congress have recently inspected this prison and, with the
exception of prejudiced political haranguers, claim that prisoners there are
well treated.
 Detainees there very likely wouldn't want to transfer to other prisons
because Guantanamo religious facilities are so extensive there providing for
Muslim worship, special foods, study, exercise, and numerous arrows pointing
to Mecca.
--REAL NEWS Editor

 Guantanamo detainees are a different type of enemy, and there is nothing
that can be done to change their allegiance to the theology into which they
have been indoctrinated. It's like trying to teach a rattlesnake not to
strike at you.

 How can you give people that will strap a bomb to themselves, walk into a
crowded marketplace filled with women and children and kill everyone in
sight any credibility whatsoever? I think you have to be totally insane to
do that for whatever reason you want to blame for it.

 We have choices -- they don't. They are brainwashed from birth to hate us
and our kind, and nothing you or President Obama or anyone else can say will
change that. They do not think with reason. Do you think that they would
react the way that you and I would. Would you blow yourself up for your

 They think they are trying to kill us for religious beliefs. Jihad. You
will not change their minds and you are a fool to think that you can. As
long as the terrorist camps exist and their are leaders like Bin Laden, we
will be fighting this war.

 According to a 2007 item in the New York Times, the cost of building
Gitmo's high-security detention facilities was about $54 million, while the
estimated annual cost of operating Gitmo ranges from $90 million to $118
million. How much more would it cost us to build another prison to replace

 It now seems foolish to go to the expense and effort to move the detainees
somewhere else since exceptionally fair treatment has long been instilled
there, and Democrats are unlikely to continue exaggerated claims of torture
since President Obama and his Democratic Congress are now in charge there.
Any torture complaints by Republicans would be ignored by the biased liberal
 However, detainees are supposed to claim torture regardless of good
treatment or where kept.

For free Politically Incorrect news ignored by the American news media, send
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