----- Original Message ----- 
From: Bernard von NotHaus

Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 4:07 AM
Subject: BVNH facing 14 to 17.5 years!

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      October 2011 Vol. 13 No. 10

      BVNH facing 14 to 17.5 years!

      Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

      Table of Contents:
      1. BVNH facing 14 - 17.5 years!
      2. Government Files for More Years!!
      3. Would you help defend BVNH and Your Property?
      4. Government brands YOU as a Victim or a Co-conspirator
      5. Your Property is at risk too! Immediate Action Please!
      6. The Inflationary Explosion and Secret Bailouts
      7. President Obummer and the National Debt
      8. The Price of Silver
      9. Banks and Gov to Restrict Personal Gold Purchases
      10. In Memory of 911: The Empire is Eating Itself
      11. Facebook Continues to Zoom along

      1. BVNH facing 14 - 17.5 years!
      As if losing the Liberty Dollar case was not bad enough, my recommended 
sentence is 14 
to 17.5 years. Of course, this is all done according to federal regulations and 
guidelines." And while everybody acts very professionally, and some may even 
care about my 
particular case, everybody still does their job and makes sure it is all done 
as specified 
by the "law." Regardless, 17.5 years in prison is sick.

      2. Government Files for More Years!!
      Do you think sentencing BVNH to 14 - 17.5 years in prison is wildly 
unjust, even 
without knowing that first time real "counterfeiters" are usually not 
imprisoned? Well the 
US Attorney office was not happy with the recommendation and immediately filed 
an opposition 
stating that the federal guidelines demand a much longer sentence for a 
"ringleader" with 
such a large and damaging criminal operation as the Liberty Dollar. Simply put, 
I was too 
successful of protecting soo many people's money and must be imprisoned longer. 
The DOJ 
motion asks the judge to sentence me to 17.5 - 22 years - a life sentence even 
with the 
standard 15% reduction for "good time."

      3. Would you help defend BVNH and Your Property?
      Bernard von NotHaus (BVNH), the convicted monetary architect of the 
Liberty Dollar now 
faces sentencing. This is a very dangerous time. If the report prepared before 
sentencing is 
uncontested or poorly contested (as per the trail) BVNH could very likely spend 
the rest of 
his life in prison for introducing a value based currency, protecting the 
purchasing power and trying to return America to a sound and honest monetary 
system. Please 
don't let that happen. BVNH as secured a short term $20,000 loan and retained a 
attorney to defend him at the sentencing. But he needs to repay that loan very 
Would you please help?

      Currently, there are approx 20,000 people who receive this Newsletter. 
Who knows how 
many people actually read it, post it elsewhere or might send it to a friend. 
Regardless of 
number of readers, a buck per person is not a viable model. Two bucks from half 
subscribers is not very likely either. A lot of good people just don't take 
action. Would 
you please buck the trend and send a buck or two, maybe $5 or how about a 
whooping $10 or 
anything of value would be greatly appreciated to keep me out of jail and 
working to recover 
for your property? I sincerely hope so.

      The $20,000 was a personal loan so I must repay it personally.
      Please click HERE to make an anonymous donation. Please note that 
although givv.org is 
set up for monthly donations, you can make a one-time donation of any amount.

      Or send any donation of value, your check, money order made out to 
BERNARD and mailed 
      Bernard von NotHaus
      527 N. Green River Road
      Suite 158
      Evansville. IN. 47715

      Thank you for your kind attention to this urgent call for your support.

      4. Government brands YOU as a Victim or a Co-conspirator
      And it only gets worse! Now the government wants to brand you as a victim 
or a 
co-conspirator! If your property was confiscated and you have emailed Tom 
Ascik, the DOJ 
forfeiture attorney as per my request, and identified yourself as an 
"interested party" well 
guess what? Now the government says that you are not an interested party, you 
are either a 
victim or a co-conspirator! First the gov is using the list of "interested 
parties" to 
justification the size of the criminal organization to increase my sentence. 
Nice eh? 
Second, the government intends to convert you from an interested party who 
wants their 
wrongfully seized property back into a co-conspirator, so they can keep your 
property!! The 
evil ways of this !@#$#@! government are truly amazing and disgusting!

      PLEASE don't allow this to happen! Please take immediate action to 
protect your 
property and immediately email Tom Ascik and CC me so there is a record of your 
Please Copy and Paste this sample email below with your name and address to Tom 
Ascik < 
thomas.as...@usdoj.gov> and CC me <bern...@libertydollarnews.org>:

      Dear Mr. Ascik,

      I am appalled that you would try to convert me from an "interested party" 
to a 
"victim" or a "co-conspirator" as a means to bar me from recovery of my 
wrongfully seized 
property and enhance the prison sentence for Bernard von NotHaus. I am utterly 
with you and the DOJ!

      Please note, I did my own independent due diligence regarding the Liberty 
Dollar. I 
read dozens of articles that quoted many official government officials from the 
US Treasury, 
Secret Service, Federal Reserve and many law enforcement officers that the 
Liberty Dollar 
was legal. I investigated the NORFED organization, Bernard von NotHaus the 
architect, talked to the office and asked many questions. (more personal 
details if you wish 
but not needed) I did everything possible to make sure the Liberty Dollar was 
legal before 
becoming involved because I did not want to violate any federal, state or local 
law. It was 
only then did I become involved with the Liberty Dollar. It was only then did I 
get some 
Liberty Dollars. Now, for you to even consider that I am a co-conspirator in a 
organization that had such high intentions and noble ideals of sound money and 
American to a value based monetary system is wrong and personally offensive!

      I hereby certify that I am NOT a "co-conspirator" or a "victim" of the 
Liberty Dollar. 
I am an innocent third party and I demand the immediate return of my wrongfully 
property! What you and the DOJ are trying to do to Bernard von NotHaus, the 
Liberty Dollar 
and me is disgusting and an insult to the ideals that this country was founded 
upon and the 
US Constitution! Shame on you and the DOJ!

      Mr. Asick, an immediate reply to my affirmation is requested.

      (Please add your name and address. You info MUST be included as it was on 
your earlier 
email to Mr. Asick)

      And please remember to CC me so there is a record of your action.

      Thank you for taking prompt action in your own interest to protect your 

      5. And Your Property is a risk too! Immediate Action Please!
      Please don't forget Article #4 above: If you sent a statement to Tom 
Ascik identifying 
yourself as an "interested party" for your seized property of Liberty Dollars, 
it is MOST 
urgent to send another email immediately as noted above. The gov is now trying 
to make you a 
"victim" or a "co-conspirator" of the Liberty Dollar as a means to justify the 
sentence for BVNH and deny returning your seized property. Please take 
immediate action and 
email Tom Ascik to clarify these points and demand the prompt return of your 
seized property. A donation HERE would be greatly appreciated too.

      6. The Inflationary Explosion and Secret Bailouts
      The inflationary explosion is unprecedented in any era. Between December 
2007 and July 
2010, the Fed parceled out $US 16.1 TRILLION in emergency loans to financial 
entities all 
over the world. Almost half of this - a total of $7.75 TRILLION - was loaned to 
four US 
banks: Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and the Bank of America. The 
other half went 
to foreign banks!!! In July 2010, while the total US stock market 
capitalization was only 
$15 TRILLION. The Fed provided about half that amount as bailouts while 
Congress haggled 
over a few billion or a hundred million is nothing short of ridiculous. Click 
HERE for the 
article from Zero Hedge Fund.

      Think that is bad? Now about the recent audit of the Federal Reserve that 
revealed $16 
Trillion in Secret Bailouts?! Click HERE for more info.

      7. President Obummer and the National Debt
      Of course the inflationary explosion and secret bailouts are fueling the 
debt. And while, there is no doubt that President Obummer is not solely 
responsibly for the 
national debt and he has had a lot of help from those other 435 idiots in 
Washington, his is 
the President and under his reign the national debt has accumulated at a rate 
more than 27 
times as fast than during the rest of our entire nation's history. What does 27 
times faster 
mean? Well, metaphorically speaking, if you are driving at 65 MPH and a car 
rockets past you 
27 times faster, it would be doing 1,755 MPH! To put it another way, it took 88 
years for a 
$6 Trillion nation debt, its taken only 12 years to TRIPLE IT!!! This should 
alarm anybody 
and the accelerating national debt should be your call to action!!!

      Click HERE for a complete list of Obummer's changes.

      8. The Price of Silver
      Click HERE is an interesting video on the price of silver.

      9. Banks and Gov To Restrict Personal Gold Purchases
      Get ready, foreign banks, governments have already moved to restrict 
personal gold 
bullion purchases. Click HERE for more info.

      10. In memory of 9/11: The Empire is Eating Itself
      In memory of 9/11 by Ralph Nader at CounterPunch:

      The commemorative ceremonies that are planned for the 10th anniversary of 
the 9/11 
massacre are those of pathos for the victims and their families, of praise for 
both the 
pursuit of the supporters of the attackers and the performance of first 
responders and our 
soldiers abroad.

      Flags and martial music will punctuate the combined atmosphere of sorrow 
aggressive defiance to those terrorists who would threaten us. These events 
will be moments 
of respectful silence and some expressions of rage and ferocity.

      But many Americans might also want to pause to recognize - or unlearn - 
reactions and overreactions to 9/11 that have harmed our country. How, in this 
forward-looking manner, can we respect the day of 9/11?

      Click HERE for Ralph Nader's full comments that are well worth reading.

      11. Facebook Continues to Zoom along
      BVNH personal page on Facebook is nearing the maximum number of friends 
of 5000 and 
will soon start growing on the "Liberty Dollar" Facebook page. Please stay in 
touch with 
your favorite currency and the wrongful seizure of your property via Facebook 
and this 

      Closing Remarks:
      These are crazy times. Our country is at war on foreign soil, at home and 
with the 
Liberty Dollar. All the battles are important. Let us hope and pray we win ala 
Washington, who won very few battles but won the war for America's freedom.

      Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding 
together and 
adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights 
and measures" 
will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and 
generate a 
peaceful and prosperous society.

      Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one 
dollar at a 

      Bernard von NotHaus
      Monetary Architect/Editor

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