stas        2002/12/04 20:56:15

  Modified:    t/response/TestDirective
               .        Changes
  explain why the deep copy is a must when objects include references
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +7 -9      modperl-2.0/t/response/TestDirective/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/t/response/TestDirective/,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  ---        5 Dec 2002 03:31:09 -0000       1.1
  +++        5 Dec 2002 04:56:15 -0000       1.2
  @@ -23,19 +23,17 @@
   sub merge {
       my($base, $add) = @_;
  -    #use Data::Dumper;
  -    #warn Dumper $base, $add;
       my %new = ();
  -    push @{ $new{$_} }, @{ $base->{$_} } for keys %$base;
  +    # be careful if the object values are references and not scalars.
  +    # If that's the case a deep copy must be performed, or the merged
  +    # object will affect the based object, which will break things
  +    # when DIR_MERGE is called twice for the same $base/$add during
  +    # the same request
  +    push @{ $new{$_} }, @{ $base->{$_}||[] } for keys %$base;
  +    push @{ $new{$_} }, @{ $add->{$_} ||[]  } for keys %$add;
  -    # XXX: why this approach doesn't work?
  -    # @new{keys %$base} = (values %$base);
  -    push @{ $new{$_} }, @{ $add->{$_}||[] } for keys %$add;
  -    #warn Dumper \%new;
       return bless \%new, ref($base);
  1.75      +7 -0      modperl-2.0/Changes
  Index: Changes
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/Changes,v
  retrieving revision 1.74
  retrieving revision 1.75
  diff -u -r1.74 -r1.75
  --- Changes   4 Dec 2002 02:27:54 -0000       1.74
  +++ Changes   5 Dec 2002 04:56:15 -0000       1.75
  @@ -10,6 +10,13 @@
   =item 1.99_08-dev
  +add a new test TestDirective::perlloadmodule2, which performs a more
  +evolved merging.  [Stas Bekman]
  +fix Apache::TestConfigPerl under mod_perl 1.0, need to require before using $mod_perl::VERSION [Geoffrey Young
   add an Apache::SIG backcompat stub to Apache::compat [Stas Bekman]
   fix the Apache::TestConfigPerl's run_apache_test_config() function

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