I agree to buy local , but how can you say that organic pesticides are more toxic to the enviornment? Lets see, kaolin clay, entrust (soil organism), pyrethreum(breaks down VERY fast, as opposed to synthetic version which last longer). How are these more toxic then man made chemicals which do not break down? they break down into compounds that still have no analog in nature..

On Jul 23, 2010, at 8:18 AM, <moore5...@msn.com> wrote:

It is more important to know where your food is grown! We have seen salmonella from melons and scallions from Mexico and Asia. The USA has the Food & Drug Administration that tightly regulates pesticides and their application. Foreign foods do not! Some pesticides are not applied to the food at all but on small plastic tabs that are clipped on branches to act as a deterrent to the bug. Organic food growers use pesticides also, just more often because the product does not last as long. Many organic pesticides are more toxic to the environment than the standard commercial grower uses. I know because I am a commercial grower of apples. Pesticides in the run off stream water from the home gardener is one of the biggest offenders of pollution. Consumers should use common sense and wash everything raw before eating it. don't deprive children of good nutrition because of a sensational hit article that may be designed to garner contributions to their non- profit cause. We grow the safest food in the world. Support your local farmer's market and buy American!

To: apple-crop@virtualorchard.net
From: david_d...@mac..com
Subject: Apple-Crop: ...and causes you to be fat too!
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 09:47:28 -0400

the current lead story on Yahoo - http://shine.yahoo.com/event/ loveyourbody/why-you-cant-lose-those-last-10-pounds-1964849/

"...See, an apple a day may have kept the doctor away 250 years ago when Benjamin Franklin included the phrase in his almanac. But if that apple comes loaded with obesity-promoting chemicals — nine of the ten most commonly used pesticides are obesogens, and apples are one of the most pesticide-laden foods out there — then Ben’s advice is way out of date...."

I look forward to market saturday -

David Doud -

grower - indiana

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