I recently heard life is terminal. I think someone should do something about 
that. Who's in charge here!


---- Original message ----
>Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 18:31:11 -0400
>From: Ken Hall <edsorch...@aol.com>  
>Subject: Re: Apple-Crop: RE:..and causes you to be fat too!  
>To: apple-crop@virtualorchard.net
>   Is anyone familiar with work on human exposure to
>   kaolin clay in an orchard setting?  A pulmonary
>   disease referred to as "kaolinosis" has been
>   identified in people who had high exposure to clay
>   dust.  What about lower levels of exposure, year
>   after year, to orchard workers or pick-your-own
>   apple customers?    
>   Not sure we can even say that kaolin is beyond
>   suspicion.    
>   Ken Hall
>   Edwards Apple Orchard, Inc.
>   7061 Centerville Road
>   Poplar Grove, IL 61065
>   Ph:  815-765-2234
>   Fx:  815-765-1072
>   Cl:   815-520-5764
>   Email: edsorch...@aol.com
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: Fleming, William <w...@montana.edu>
>   To: Apple-Crop <apple-crop@virtualorchard.net>
>   Sent: Fri, Jul 23, 2010 4:31 pm
>   Subject: RE: Apple-Crop: RE:..and causes you to be
>   fat too!
>   I wouldn’t say organic pesticides more toxic to
>   the environment but the fact that most are so broad
>   spectrum that they kill beneficials as well as
>   pests. That makes them unecological. as compared to
>   many of the modern pesticides that are very specific
>   in their targets. Plus many times when you kill the
>   beneficials you cause a whole new set of problems
>   that have to be addressed. You end up having to
>   spray even more.
>   Just the fact that organic pesticides are short
>   lived also makes them unecological in increased fuel
>   usage when several sprays may be needed to take the
>   place of one conventional material.
>   Bill Fleming
>   Montana  State  University
>   Western Ag Research  Center
>   580 Quast Ln
>   Corvallis, Montana
>   ----------------------------------------------------
>   From: apple-c...@virtualorchard..net
>   [mailto:apple-c...@virtualorchard.net] On Behalf Of
>   Robert kuljis
>   Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 10:46 AM
>   To: Apple-Crop
>   Subject: Re: Apple-Crop: RE:...and causes you to be
>   fat too!
>   I agree to buy local , but how can you say that
>   organic pesticides are more toxic to the
>   enviornment?  Lets see, kaolin clay, entrust(soil
>   organism), pyrethreum(breaks down VERY fast, as
>   opposed to synthetic version which last longer).
>    How are these  more toxic then man made chemicals
>   which do not break down? they break down into
>   compounds that still have no analog in nature..
>   On Jul 23, 2010, at 8:18 AM, <moore5...@msn.com>
>   wrote:
>   It is more important to know where your food is
>   grown!   We have seen salmonella from melons and
>   scallions from Mexico and Asia. The USA has the Food
>   & Drug Administration that tightly regulates
>   pesticides and their application.  Foreign foods do
>   not!  Some pesticides are not applied to the food at
>   all but on small plastic tabs that are clipped on
>   branches to act as a deterrent to the bug.  Organic
>   food growers use pesticides also, just more often
>   because the product does not last as long.  Many
>   organic pesticides are more toxic to the environment
>   than the standard commercial grower uses.  I know
>   because I am a commercial grower of apples.
>   Pesticides in the run off stream water from the home
>   gardener is one of the biggest offenders of
>   pollution.   Consumers should use common sense and
>   wash everything raw before eating it.  don't deprive
>   children of good nutrition because of a sensational
>   hit article that may be designed to  garner
>   contributions to their non-profit cause.  We grow
>   the safest food in the world.  Support your local
>   farmer's market and buy American!
>   ----------------------------------------------------
>   To: apple-crop@virtualorchard.net
>   From: david_d...@mac..com
>   Subject: Apple-Crop: ...and causes you to be fat
>   too!
>   Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 09:47:28 -0400
>   the current lead story on Yahoo
>   - 
> http://shine..yahoo.com/event/loveyourbody/why-you-cant-lose-those-last-10-pounds-1964849/
>   "...See, an apple a day may have kept the doctor
>   away 250 years ago when Benjamin Franklin included
>   the phrase in his almanac. But if that apple comes
>   loaded with obesity-promoting chemicals — nine of
>   the ten most commonly used pesticides are obesogens,
>   and apples are one of the most pesticide-laden foods
>   out there — then Ben’s advice is way out of
>   date...."
>   I look forward to market saturday -
>   David Doud - 
>   grower - indiana
>   ----------------------------------------------------
>   The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and
>   e-mail from your inbox. Get started.
William H Shoemaker, UI-Crop Sciences
Sr Research Specialist, Food Crops
St Charles Horticulture Research Center
535 Randall Road  St Charles, IL  60174
630-584-7254; FAX-584-4610

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