Hello all:

I have written a mod_perl module for apache that uses Apache2::Request.

When performing an internal_redirect after processing some POST data I an error 500 and the following two lines in my error_log:

[Sun Aug 07 23:46:26 2005] [debug] mod_apreq2.c(510): [client] stealing filter context, referer: http://crm.private.nwk/op/Logon [Sun Aug 07 23:46:26 2005] [error] [client] Setting already configured, referer: http://crm.private.nwk/op/Logon

(My /op/Logon handler redirects to a members page after successful logon.)

I wrote a test module to check a couple of things; my test is succesful for a GET http requests.

This was working with mod_perl v1.99x. Ever since mod_perl turned 2.x it's been giving me some problems.

Is there something I must call from Apache2::Request to fix this?


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