Joe Schaefer wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Issac Goldstand <>
>> To: Joe Schaefer <>
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 11:11:28 AM
>> Subject: Re: svn commit: r733221 - in /httpd/apreq/branches/v2_10: 
>> include/apreq_version.h library/module_cgi.c library/parser.c 
>> module/apache2/handle.c
>> Joe Schaefer wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message ----
>>>> From: Issac Goldstand 
>>>> To:
>>>> Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 10:51:57 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: svn commit: r733221 - in /httpd/apreq/branches/v2_10: 
>> include/apreq_version.h library/module_cgi.c library/parser.c 
>> module/apache2/handle.c
>>>> Shouldn't we *not* be doing this type of backport?  We really don't need
>>>> release branches any more if we're going to be voting directly on
>>>> release artifacts, since there are no changes that can be made to them
>>>> anyway.
>>> I think that's up to the RM.  Roy's point is that we should be
>>> voting on a final (signed) tarball, not something that's going
>>> to be modified and rolled again post-vote.  On EVERY release we do
>>> it takes several rounds of voting for us to come to consensus that
>>> we're actually going to approve a tarball.  If the RM wants to 
>>> handle that process by labelling the tarballs with an RC marker, 
>>> or wants to bump the package version number each time (which is 
>>> something of a pain here), it makes no difference to me.
>> Fair enough. 
> OTOH it is something of a PITA to keep patching trunk and the release
> branch, which means we should either release 2.10 soon or abandon that
> version and make a fresh 2.11 branch of trunk.
Which is kinda what I was hinting at in the first place... +1
>>> The release docs for apreq-1 are totally wrong and should be brought
>>> up to speed with the release docs for apreq2.
>> +1 - I'll get to that this week, I hope (and improve the 2.0 docs a bit
>> too, based on recent issues discovered during the 1.34 release).  Will
>> also try to make some easier version bumping tools (though that actually
>> was really simple and pretty accurate in RELEASE, unless I missed something)
>>>> I'm -0.9 for 2.10 if this looks like a showstopper for building
>>>> with gcc4 and let's start a 2.11 release.  Otherwise, we're gonna run
>>>> into the same issues we just had with the 1.34-RC4 vote.
> Thanks!  What I'd really like to see us get in the habit of doing is 
> discussing
> the gpg signatures as well.  IMO the RM should post the sig alongside
> the tarball so other devs can test that too, and we devs should offer our
> +1's with our *own* signature of the tarball attached to the vote message.
I've been trying to do that anyway.  Remind me to add an
subkey and get it signed at the next ApacheCon keysigning party to make
my sigs nicer :)  Hopefully I'll make it this March.

> We then can collect *all* the sigs and put them into the final .asc file for
> the released tarball.
If we really want to adopt gpg sigs, we should really also adopt
Module::Signature for the perl glue, at least.
>>> Actually it turns out that the problem I was having at first was related
>>> to Bojan's prior -fno-strict-aliasing removal.  If you try building trunk
>>> with maintainer-mode set, the build will fail badly without the flag.
>> As I said earlier, I'm still for a new RC at the least.
> I think what we need now is someone to volunteer for RM'ing a new release
> candidate of the 2.10 branch.   
-0.9 again - numbers are admittedly cheap but I just don't like the idea
of seeing minor bumps and significant changes between RCs, but I'll
happily voulenteer to do 2.11

I'd also still like to see the interactive-mode patch for the CGI module
merged in, merging changes back is a pain in the ass, and there are
several folks out there using it already...


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