Dear Rong,

The ID present text says:

   "Active queue management (AQM) schemes, such as Random Early Detection
    (RED), have been around for well over a decade. AQM schemes could
    potentially solve the aforementioned problem. RFC 2309[RFC2309]
    strongly recommends the adoption of AQM schemes in the network to
    improve the performance of the Internet. RED is implemented in a wide
    variety of network devices, both in hardware and software.
    Unfortunately, due to the fact that RED needs careful tuning of its
    parameters for various network conditions, most network operators
    don't turn RED on. In addition, RED is designed to control the queue
    length which would affect delay implicitly. It does not control
    latency directly. Hence, the Internet today still lacks an effective
    design that can control buffer latency to improve the quality of
    experience to latency-sensitive applications. Notably, a recent IETF
    AQM working group draft [IETF-AQM] calls for new methods of
    controlling network latency."

This certainly needs to recognize that RFC7567 has been published and
that when published, this obsoleted the RFC2309, explicitly revoking
the recommendation to use RED in RFC2309.

I actually think the whole of this para needs reworked - there's no
reference to RED itself, which seems necessary. Most of the points seem
similar to points already made in RFC7567, and it would seem wiser to
refer to these by section (if needed) than to write something slightly
different here. I suspect this is just a result of the AQM WG work
proceeding in parallel with the work in TSVWG, and could be easily
I agree with Gory.
This paragraph intends to give a brief history of AQM, in which RFC2309 has
played a very important role. I do think we think we should include it
here. I will change its reference as the following,
³Back in 1998, RFC 2309[RFC2309]
     strongly recommended the adoption of AQM schemes in the network to
     improve the performance of the Internet."

I changed IETF-AQM to RFC7567 and added a reference to RED.
I believe you missed the most important point, i.e. explaining in the text that the RFC2309 is obsolete.
For example:

    "Back in 1998, RFC 2309[RFC2309], now obsoleted by RFC7567,
    strongly recommended the adoption of AQM schemes in the network to
    improve the performance of the Internet."

Regards, Benoit




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