Jana Iyengar <j...@google.com> writes:

> ... draft-ietf-aqm-codel-08 is finally posted. This new version addresses all
> IESG comments during IESG review, in addition to review comments by Patrick
> Timmons and Yoav Nir. We thank everyone for their help with reviews. 
> Most importantly, I want to personally thank the fq_codel authors for sending 
> me
> Yerba Mate, Dave Taht for sending me delicious freshly-baked cookies, and Paul
> McKenney for sending me a ton of organic green tea to help me move on the
> document. I will say that you all managed to do something nobody has managed 
> so
> far: you successfully shamed me into getting this work done.
> I also received bungee cords from the fq_codel authors to tie myself to my 
> chair
> with, which I put to good use: I would like to share here evidence of my
> atonement. (Cookies are not in the picture, because they were delicious. 
> Thanks,
> Dave!)

Yer welcome, and thank you VERY MUCH for completing this. I got some
bungee cords for myself, too, as I have more than a few things 98% done
I'd like to get off my plate.

Perhaps we could include these new concepts in future standards for the
RFC creation processes?

However, I think at least one new hardware standard is necessary. There
needs to be some sort of laptop mounting bracket for the cookies and a
powerful feedback loop between interface and future IOT enabled-bungee
cords. Particularly, reaching for the mouse, rather than cookies or tea,
should be de-incentivised. I couldn't come up with a good way to
distinguish between those forms of muscular traffic.

> - jana
> (P.S.: I now look forward to receiving thank you gifts. Oh, and I'm
> caffeine-free and vegetarian, just in case.)
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