>Hello, sorry if this was posted twice, I had a problem with my email.

I had a problem where Arachne would download pages very slowly and 
stall when downloading a page. It would only do it on the page it 
downloaded the graphic images just fine, if it got that far. 
Basically, I am running it on a 166 Mhz pentium, with 72 meg ram in a 
Dr-Dos Task Manager window with 7 meg of XMS allocated. I use a 
56k serial 
modem with a 16550 UART. What I had to do was change the computer to 
modem speed from 115200 in both the PPPD.CFG and Arachne to 19200. 
Once I did that it now downloads at a normal speed and no longer 
stalls out. Does anyone know why I would have to do this? Does 
Arachne have a problem accessing the com port at high speeds? Does it 
not buffer properly? Thanks


I also tried DR-DOS 7.03 Task Manager, and it allowed much less memory than I
would get without Task Manager, or in OS/2 Warp 4 VDM.  DOS Lynx386 ran out of
memory repeatedly and returned to the command prompt, running under DR-DOS 7.03
with Task Manager.  It seemed the memory allowed was too confining, so I never
used Task Manager again.  But I was running with 56 K modem and COM port speed
115200.  I have run Arachne under DR-DOS 7.03 but never with Task Manager.  I 
notice Arachne and DOS Lynx386 run, dialing with DOSPPPD, in OS/2 Warp 4 VDM,
but download speed is about 40% the speed under DR-DOS 7.03 without Task 
Manager, setting COM port speed 115200 in each case.  Maybe Task Manager is sort
of a V86 mode?

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