On Wed, 16 Aug 2000 22:56:30 -0700, rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hee hee,
> I used to live in Santa Cruz 35 yrs ago. Haven't read the book, thought
> the title entertaining.
> Around here the dumpsters only give aluminum cans (or so I've been
> told).

> Can someone explain to me why people asking for a hand-out get uptight &
> sometimes pissy when I give them a can of tuna or a piece of fruit or
> offer them an item of utile clothing?

Whoa, dude! Like, you can't score the misty kinde without *cash*. 
Well, foodstamps work, but thier only worth half :-(
Later, Rick

                       - Pete Randolph -
                 - Morristown Corners, Vermont -

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