>For a laptop with 8MB RAM but a dead hard drive I use Arachne
exclusively, thereby keeping a machine from a flight into a dumpster/skip.

With 12MB RAM (and a working HDD) I keep copies (several) of Arachne,
plus Opera3.6x, MSIE3.x and NN3.x. I've tried NN2.x but it's too outdated.
MSIE3's Java Virtual Machine requires 12MB RAM.

The laptop with dead HDD is a 486DX4-100 that arrived with Win95.
I should've timed it, but with only 8MB RAM, 32-bit versions of
lean software like Opera and FoxMail all seemed slower than their
Win3.1x equivalents on a 486-25.



I suppose you follow Clarence Verge's recommendation to install Arachne onto a 
RAMDRIVE (or VDISK, if using DR-DOS) and ZIP back onto a floppy?  Assuming it's
an old machine, it wouldn't be worth the cost of a new hard drive (unless you
have a usable old hard drive to spare).  Every time you want to run Arachne, you
unzip onto a RAMDRIVE, and useful downloads including mail are copied to another

What is NN?  Do you mean NS (Netscape)?  I've wondered if it might be worth
downgrading to Netscape Navigator 2.02 for OS/2, whose features are comparable 
to other Netscape 3.x versions: probably not at this stage.

Java Virtual Machine with newer versions would be hard-pressed to crawl on
12 MB RAM.  HotJava 1.1.5 browser was too clumsy for me (Cx486DX2 at 66 MHz,
20 MB RAM) on OS/2 Warp 4.

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