Matt Bahls wrote:
> 1) Can I easily install it without disrupting my 
> current DOS configuration?

Yes.  Linux plays very nicely with DOS.  I recommend
you use LOADLIN.EXE to boot Linux directly from DOS
(rather than installing LILO).

The simpliest way to install Linux is to use a second
HDD (even 80meg is enough).  With LOADLIN.EXE on your
first HDD, you can boot the second (or third or fourth)

If you don't have a spare HDD, then you can install
Linux to an empty partition of your main HDD.  If you
don't have an empty partition, you can create space
for one by using FIPS (a DOS utility).  Be careful!
If you use FIPS incorrectly, you can wipe existing
data.  Read FIPS.DOC and FIPS.FAQ.

> 2) Which version should I go with?
> There are so many different companies out there with
> Linux.  Which is the best in your opinions?

Horses for courses.  If you have a 386 or low-end 486,
then I recommend Slackware or Debian.  If you have a
good Pentium with 32meg RAM and plenty of HDD space,
then I recommend Corel or Caldera.


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