Andrew Geoghegan wrote:
>       I started Arachne and started to compose a e-message off-line...
> this went fine until I saved it to my OutBox... it was then when I got the
> attachments page where Arachne said or something like that...
> then launched into dial-up

This sounds quite strange. What editor were you using to compose the
message ? Was it the standard "compose" screen ?
>       I tried to send Unsent mail but my e-message was nowhere to be found

There is a very slight chance it might still be around if it actually wasn't
saved and if you haven't used the "compose" function again since that time. 
Look in the main Arachne directory for TEXTAREA.tmp.

Another possibility is that it DID get saved, but somewhere you didn't expect.
Check your Arachne.cfg for the mail path. 
Look in the specified mail directory for any files with the extension .TBS.

-  Clarence Verge
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