hi all;

      I hope this day finds you all well, 

      here is my problem:

      I started Arachne and started to compose a e-message off-line...
this went fine until I saved it to my OutBox... it was then when I got the
attachments page where Arachne said savedas.sh or something like that...
then launched into dial-up

      I tried to send Unsent mail but my e-message was nowhere to be found

      I looked in files and found _uue0.tmp, then used a uudecoder (not
the uudecoder that comes with Arachne) to decode it... I got to
sendmail.sh and savedas.sh yet neither of these were or contained my
e-message (:

      might anyone have any idea where my e-message got to ?? 
      any help greatly appreciated...

      in Philly

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