On Tue, 26 Sep 2000 23:19:07 -0400, neil tanner wrote:

> Greetings all-
> I am new to Arachne and have loaded it into my Pc.  I am using it
> offline at the moment because I can't get it to recognize my modem....I
> am using a HP 6535 standard PC and am using w98.  Is it not seeing the
> modem because of a conflict??   I am using Crosslink as my Internet
> Provider here in Virginia.  Are there others from Va. that are using
> this /?? tnx es 73    NT

Hi Neil;

Could be you have a "Winmodem".
That is not a real modem and Arachne will not be able to access it.

Just maybe if you run Arachne in a DOS "box", W98 will run the modem
for you - who knows ?

Maybe you have a REAL modem and W98 won't let you get at it.
In this case, try booting to DOS - not a DOS window.

The best combination for Arachne is a real modem and DOS.

- Clarence Verge
- Using Arachne V1.62 for a change....

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