On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 23:05:02 -0500 (CDT), Herbert Valliant wrote:

> Arachne Dials the ISP who responds login: I reply Pvalliant. ISP
> responds password: I enter it. ISP responds with a bunch of wierd
> characters: I press F7. A get a message to the effect that
> Arachne is leaving miniterm and attempting PPP. After a long
> pause I get the PPP not found message.

You are doing everything right for a manual login up to this point.
EPPPD.exe is not loading.

> The P in Pvalliant is required by the ISP to indicate a PPP
> connection. If I leave it off ISP responds with the normal
> terminal menus etc.
> <snip>
> What happened was login: was received and my ID was supplied;
> password: was received and my password supplied. Then the message
> "waiting for >" and the ISP responded a lot of gibberish and hung
> up "NO CARRIER"  after which Arachne locked up. It would not
> respond to keystrokes CRTL C or CRTL BREAK. I had to reboot.

> I have no idea what to substitute for >. Any advice?

Delete it. Leave it blank. Leave the following response blank.
This will only matter for an autologin tho.

> Port 3
> Irq 4

Oh nuts. Do you have BOTH a com1 and com2 ? If no, then we still have 
a problem with com port holes. If yes, then I'm baffled right now.

> [auto-added]
> AlltNameServer

Attention: There is a spelling error in the HTML on TCP/IP setup page.
Arachne will IGNORE that last line.

This does not affect you Herbert, as you DO have the number in the
proper space.

- Clarence Verge
- Using Arachne V1.62 for a change....

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