Neil wrote:
> Greetings All---
> Just wondered how to delete items from the Hotlist....I tried deleting
> the url like the tip says but it still there. I can't find anything in
> the help file.
Sorry to take so long to respond Neil.
I had hoped someone would give you the "official" method.
My solution is:
Erase the hotlist manager.
Make a copy the Arachne editor named HOTEDIT.ah (NOT as easy as it sounds)
Edit the source to specify "hotlist.htm" for the textarea.
Edit hotlist.htm so the button calls HOTEDIT.ah.
The idea is when you ask for the hotlist manager, you will get an edit
screen with your hotlist pre-loaded into it. Now you can delete, insert
copy, move and manage 'til your hearts content. <g>
Unfortunately, you will have to do it in HTML source format. :((
Maybe you might use Quickpad.ah as prototype and EDITTB.ah as example.
Or ask me for a copy of my HOTEDIT.whatever.
- Clarence Verge
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