On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 15:27:17 -0500, Sam Ewalt wrote:


> My three current problems with Arachne are:

> #1. Red squares! Sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't. No pattern
> that I can discern. It's just hit or miss. If a page has twenty images
> some may or may not be red squares. Reconnecting or reloading will
> often fill in the squares and others will turn red. Some days all is
> well.

I'll bet you have ....

Multitasking Yes
HTTPKeepAlive Yes

Try turning one of them off.


Multitasking No
HTTPKeepAlive Yes


Multitasking Yes
HTTPKeepAlive No

The problem seems to be that with both of them working....
 Arachne is now too fast for some sites. ;-)

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