On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Steve wrote:

>   You CAN use Arachne, at the very least, for READING
> newsgroups, and Arachne SHOULD be able to post via google.  
> Start at http://groups.google.com/
>   I've gone through the registration process, and it 
> seems to have gone as expected, but I haven't gotten 
> a return e-mail yet with details on how to post.

  Yeah, confirmed... you can post to usenet using 
Arachne on google.

  Get a throwaway mail account though, because the
e-mail you register with is shown in the header.

  If you use your "real" e-mail to register, and
then post even a few times, be prepared for the
onslaught of spam.  :-(

  At least when it was Deja, your posting address
was an "alias."

 - Steve

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