
14 Sep 2001, "Glenn McCorkle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 >> "God's own country" would not cry for revenge but for justice !
 GM> Justice ?
 GM> What IS justice ???
Justice is that a civilized country does not *START* a war.

The correct action to answer a crime (like murder) is to take it to a
court !!!

Why did the US not BOMB the home town of the Oklahoma bomber ?!?

And speaking about war that has been declared to the US is pure nonsens.

It was a terrible terror attack, carried out by a small group of

And I still don't know WHY bush needs authorisation to act without the
supervision of congress.

A philosophy professor from norway called bush a texanian catholic
fundementalist ... and he does everything to fit into this classification.

 GM> Revenge ?
 GM> I know what revenge is !!!
 GM> I KNOW that we must NOT seek revenge.
You know that ... but your president has the fix idea, to continue the
middle age crusade !

 GM> My hope is that those in power will seek justice and not revenge.
I see very little chance ... look at whitehouse.gov and READ what he said.

 GM> My fear is that revenge will be taken....
 GM> and that justice will fall by the wayside. :((
sure ... everybody fears so

I pray that US government comes to senses ...
and that a democratic country does NEVER EVER start a war.

 GM>  Glenn

CU, Ricsi

|~)o _ _o  Richard Menedetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> {ICQ: 7659421} (PGP)
|~\|(__\|  -=> Let's not confuse ourselves by the facts <=-

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