On Sat, 15 Sep 2001 12:04:58 +0200 (CEST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Menedetter) wrote:
>>> "God's own country" would not cry for revenge but for justice !
> GM> Justice ?
> GM> What IS justice ???
> Justice is that a civilized country does not *START* a war.

> Why did the US not BOMB the home town of the Oklahoma bomber ?!?

Well, partly because the Oklahama bomber wasnt financialy supported
by Iraq, and didnt have a full permission to use Afghanistan's
militry training facilities and equipment, and didnt have
several big terrorist cells spread over the US, all working for
a common cause, and havent been used to do an attack instead
of sending a standard army in the name of another country.

Infact, the only similar thing here is that they both killed,
and had a political reason.

> It was a terrible terror attack, carried out by a small group of
> terrorists.

.. new data shows that are several terrorist CELLS had participate in
this thing.. and the local newspaper says that Israeli intelligence
has proofs that Iraq has quite a connection to this.

Did I mention the fact that recently, an afghanistan pilot confessed
that he was ordered to train a group of people he didnt know from
egypt and saudi arabia in flying commercial type airplanes? Those
very same people appeared to have been the hijacks, according to the
descriptions of the hostages in the airplanes (those who called
their families in their cellphones before dying), the black box's
recording of egyptian and saudi arabic accent, and lastly: the
computer records of 3 - 5 saudi/egyptian passangers on each the
planes that were kidnapped. Another intresting bit of info is
a small information leak that came from non other but a US senator:
The NSA cought a message sent to Osama Bin Ladin, saying that the
"mission was succesful". This is quite a leak, since the NSA is,
well, "not seposed" to be able to do this stuff. :P

Echelon is out there..

(The senator said this by accident during a CNN interview. He later
tried to contradict himself).

Last note: A democracy, indeed, should never start a war.
But what should you do when someone have allready declared one on you?

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