On Wed, 24 Oct 2001 04:34:15 -0400 (EDT), Thomas Mueller wrote:

>> BTW, I have a question to everyone:
> How to make loading/not loading images to work properly?
> My Arachne seems to switch auto-loading images ON from time
> to time, although I don't touch tilde key.
> It happened also when I tried to reproduce the problem.
> And how should really INS key work? Load all images or only one?

>> Greetings,
> Michal

> How is one supposed to specify loading or nonloading of images in Arachne?  Is
> tilde ~ a toggle?  In that case, how do you know whether image loading is on or
> off?

>From "Arachne Hotkeys and mouse clicks"
Ins: Load or reload images
Tilde ~: Ignore images (for slow machines)

> Normally I get some images, but often, there is just a red rectangle saying

A red triangle appears when Arachne can not find the image source...
the path to the file is wrong or the name of the file is wrong.

Very often in a HTML you see <IMG SRC="picture.gif"> Arachne will look
for the image file picture.gif and this file should be in the same
directory or have more details how to find it.
E.g. "DOWNLOAD\picture.gif" or "D:\DOWNLOAD\picture.gif"

In Arachne very often the source is in the 'cache' and has become
another name like: "89364251.gif" => you have to rename that file and
place it in the right directory so Arachne can find the source... if not
you get the red rectangle.
If you get that rectangle... press F4 and look carefully for the source
of the image. Editting is possible.
After editting press F2 and the image will be shown.

Joerg made a nice program to convert PDF to BMP, but Joerg uses a G:
drive and I use the C: drive.
The result is that the BMP images are written to G: which is not on my
computer... no problem my computer writes them to C:

But for viewing these images the HTML code is: <IMG
SRC="G:\ARACHNE\CACHE\page*.bmp"> so Arachne is looking in G: (not on the
computer) and because she can not find the image source she displays
that red rectangle.
Sometimes I press F4 and change G: into C: and press F2 for viewing
Sometimes I go to the cache and click at the imagesource directly...
in the cache there are page1.bmp, page2.bmp and so on to view with a
simple mouse click.

(I asked Joerg to change G: for C: in the program to have the viewing
smoothly in future... these red rectangles are a bit anoying)

CU Bastiaan

-- Arachne V1.61, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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