On Fri, 30 Nov 2001 22:32:30 -0500 (EST), Thomas Mueller wrote:

> from "Glenn McCorkle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>> It's a "DOS primary".
> (created with Linux Fdisk)

>> Most of the thime I keep it "hidden".
> (using Gdisk.exe)

>> command line:
> gdisk 1 -hide /p:11

>> When I want to store something on it....
> gdisk 1 /-hide /p:11
> (and then reboot)

>> Here's what it now contains:

>>  Volume in drive D does not have a label
> Directory of  D:\

> DRIVE_C.ZIP 139,213,005 11-28-01  6:11p
> DRIVE_D.ZIP 212,165,749 11-28-01  6:43p
> DRIVE_E.ZIP 458,491,980 11-28-01  8:04p
> DRIVE_F.ZIP 408,381,339 11-28-01 10:16p
>     4 File(s) 105,742,336 bytes free

>> That's right... 4 ZIP files which are a complete backup of everything
> else on this HDD.

>> When I'm done with this evenings eMails... I'll burn them onto CDs.
> (using DOS to do the burning)
> WOW !!!!
> It feels good to say that!!! :)

> Could you unzip those huge ZIP files if necessary?

Yep, .....no problem.

The 1.3gig partition is now empty again.
(CD burns done) :)))

In addition, this HDD is 5.7gigs so....
4 other partitions are also empty. (509mb each)
A 5th 509mb part. has only about 90mb used.

Current specs...

> I remember your CD burner was SCSI CDR (no W).

> Are there any drivers to permit reading ATAPI CD-RW in DOS?  But nowadays,
> file names make CDs difficult or impossible to read in DOS even with drivers.
> No problem if you burn your own with no long file names.

> What is the partition type for a DOS primary partition hidden by gdisk?  You
> could find out by running fdisk in Linux just to display the partitions
> without changing anything.

Like this??? ;-)

> I remember Walnut Creek CDROM sold a DVD archive of Simtel but don't know if
> that would have been readable under straight DOS.  Maybe it was mostly the
> stuff?


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