Sam & All,

I've found ZDnet and Tech Republic to be good places to hunt down
nitty-gritty tech info.

I'm far from an expert, but IIRC WindowsXP is an "extension" of
WindowsNT, and (again IIRC) NT never had a "DOS" of it's own although it
needed DOS to do half the stuff required.

Another thing that points to the fact that there is no equivalent of DOS
in XP is that the pro hackers [good guy hackers, not punks who can't
truly program or decently reverse engineer] have not yet come up with a
"patch" to provide DOS access with XP ... and they'be been able to
access XP for about a year now.


On Fri, 07 Dec 2001 10:04:26 -0500, Samuel W. Heywood wrote:

> On Fri, 07 Dec 2001 02:16:28 -0500, Sam Ewalt wrote:

>> I'm not sure at all about XP, 2000, ME--but Arachne ran ok in a
>> Dos box with 98.

> If anyone knows of a case of Arachne running satisfactorily with
> a WinModem under XP, 2000, or ME please post the news.

> BTW, some people say that XP has no support whatsoever for DOS.
> Others say that this is not true.  I don't know whom to believe.
> Can anyone please refer me to a very *authoritative* URL on
> DOS support for XP?

> Sam Heywood
> -- This mail was written by user of The Arachne Browser -

-- Arachne V1.70;rev.3, NON-COMMERCIAL copy,

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