On Sat, 8 Dec 2001, L.D. Best wrote:

> I'm far from an expert, but IIRC WindowsXP is an "extension" of
> WindowsNT, and (again IIRC) NT never had a "DOS" of it's own although it
> needed DOS to do half the stuff required.

I'm not an expert, either...but you are correct about the NT>>XP link..
..but...NT never had a DOS of its own....where NT came from was
Microsloth's bungled overwrite of its OS/2 it inherited when it split
from partnership with IBM...back around the OS/2 v.1.3 era.  IBM went
on to perfect OS/2 into an excellent operating system...M$Z went on to
overwrite/overbloat into the NT system...they never got around to 
putting a DOS in it, because billygoat decided that DOS was gonna die,
no matter what effort he had to put into killing it..but...he had to
kowtow a bit and bring a hasty w95 out to combat OS/2 Warp 3, then to
w98, then ME...but his plan all along was to kill DOS, and overbloat
NT...he has succeeded with the "overbloat" part....don't think he has
completely succeeded in the "kill" part.

>> If anyone knows of a case of Arachne running satisfactorily with
>> a WinModem under XP, 2000, or ME please post the news.

Sam....I have never heard, read, or seen any info about DOS support in
NT, except that there is none.

>> BTW, some people say that XP has no support whatsoever for DOS.
>> Others say that this is not true.  I don't know whom to believe.
>> Can anyone please refer me to a very *authoritative* URL on
>> DO


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