
You wrote:

. > listem mr sam ewall!

. > im gettin tired of this crap!
. > I told you that winmodems are not even modems! just interfaces to the 
. > phone line! the modem is software emulated and in that case anything is 
. > possible in a virtual fantasy ass holed com situation! com 1000 if that 
. > is set in emulation!!!! so why not shut up about this shit ok?

I would like to suggest that you take some of your own advice.

The majority of members of this list are here to discuss things associated 
with Arachne, to help others and to exchange ideas.  We may be right or we 
may be wrong, but if we are wrong, we should not be told to, "shut up" but 
should be made aware of how we are wrong in a civilized manner.

Many capabilities of computers have become known by people who have tried 
things in spite of being told that it couldn't be done.  Even long before 
computers, a certain Italian ship captain was told that he could not sail 
west to India because everyone knew the earth was flat and that he would fall 
off the edge.  Although he didn't quite reach India, he did show that the 
world extended much further than anyone imagined at that time and made it 
possible for Magellan to circumnavigate the globe several years later.

If you cannot contribute in a positive manner, I, for one, would appreciate 
it if you would leave the list.

Roger Turk
Tucson, Arizona  USA

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